These large spiders are often found in houses, especially when it rains. They can be found curled in the corner of the ceiling or in the folds of the curtain.
Full Name: Rain Spider (Family Sparassidae)
Other names: Reënspinnekop
These large spiders are often found in houses, especially when it rains. They can be found curled in the corner of the ceiling or in the folds of the curtain. They are brown in colour, with white and black bands on the underside of the legs. They reach about 10cm with their long skinny legs – an easy way of distinguishing them from Baboon Spiders. The females build large messy leaf and silk nests in the plants in gardens. They are generally very docile and don’t bite easily, with the exception of the females on the nest, who will bite if the nest is disturbed. The bite is initially painful but becomes itchy and all symptoms fade in a couple of hours. They feed on insects and small vertebrates around the house or garden.