A large scorpion of around 10 cm with the tail extended. It is brown to light brown or yellow in colour with pale yellow legs and a darker tail.
Full name: Sandy Burrower (Opistophthalmus granifrons)
Classification: MILDLY VENOMOUS

A large scorpion of around 10 cm with the tail extended. It is brown to light brown or yellow in colour with pale yellow legs and a darker tail. The head is usually light brown to yellow in colour. The pincers are pale brown to yellow with dark tips.
It is found in Namaqualand on the west coast of South Africa from Vanrhynsdorp to north of Springbok. It burrows under rocks or open ground and may be active on warm nights. It may be confused with other burrower scorpions. The sting of this species may cause pain but is not medically important.