The Boomslang is largely tree-living but may descend to the ground to bask. In trees it poses no threat to humans as it is extremely reluctant to bite.
Full Name: Boomslang (Dispholidus typus)
Classification: HIGHLY VENOMOUS

The Boomslang is largely tree-living but may descend to the ground to bask. In trees it poses no threat to humans as it is extremely reluctant to bite.
Hatchlings and juveniles are grey with massive emerald green eyes but change to the adult colours around 1 m. Most adult males are bright green, sometimes with black between the scales. Females are olive – brown to grey in colour. They may exceed 2 m in length.
Boomslang venom is haemotoxic and compromises the blood clotting mechanism, causing uncontrolled bleeding if not treated. Monovalent antivenom is produced for Boomslang bites and is very effective.