A bright green snake that inhabits coastal and thick montane forest. It is also comfortable in plantations such as Mango and some nuts. It is often confused with harmless green snakes of the genus Philothamnus and the green Boomslang.
Full Name: Eastern Green Mamba (Dendroaspis angusticeps)
Classification: HIGHLY VENOMOUS

A bright green snake that inhabits coastal and thick montane forest. It is also comfortable in plantations such as Mango and some nuts. It is often confused with harmless green snakes of the genus Philothamnus and the green Boomslang.
The Green Mamba spends most of its life in dense vegetation where it hunts for tree-living mammals as well as birds during the day. It may venture to the ground to bask or move to a new tree. They are sometimes found as roadkill.
Its venom is potently neurotoxic but may also cause swelling. Antivenom is effective but bites are quite rare as it is a shy snake. Dogs are often bitten and die as they try to kill these snakes.