A smallish snake that averages under 50 cm in length but may reach 1,2 m. The Spotted Rock Snake is a secretive snake that inhabits narrow rock crevices where it feeds on lizards, mainly geckos, but may also take rodents and nestling birds. It hunts at night and may be found crossing roads.
Full Name: Spotted Rock Snake (Lamprophis guttatus)
Other Names: Gevlekte Rotsslang
Classification: HARMLESS

A smallish snake that averages under 50 cm in length but may reach 1,2 m. The Spotted Rock Snake is a secretive snake that inhabits narrow rock crevices where it feeds on lizards, mainly geckos, but may also take rodents and nestling birds. It hunts at night and may be found crossing roads.
Over much of its range it is quite rare but in some areas it is abundant. There is a great deal of variation in colour throughout the range of this snake with most individuals a yellowish brown to pinkish grey above with reddish brown to dark brown blotches or spots that are arranged in adjacent alternate pairs that may form a zig-zag pattern down the back. This snake is harmless.