A small rock scorpion that reaches 13cm total length. This species is black in colour. The Cederberg Rock Scorpion is endemic to South Africa and known from the northern Cederberg and Piketberg Mountains.
Full name: Little Rock Scorpion (Hadogenes minor)
Classification: HARMLESS

A small rock scorpion that reaches 13cm total length. This species is black in colour. The Cederberg Rock Scorpion is endemic to South Africa and known from the northern Cederberg and Piketberg Mountains.
It lives in rock cracks or under rock piles at higher elevations on mountain ranges. This species is active at night where it may be on the move, but usually just sticks the pincers out a rock crack. It may be confused with other flat rock scorpions.
The venom is of little importance to humans with a slight stinging sensation less than a bee sting in strength.