A bright emerald green snake that often has dark markings on the first third of the body and some light speckling between the scales. It is a stocky snake that averages 60-90 cm but may exceed 1.2 m in length.
Full Name: Angola Green Snake (Philothamnus angolensis)
Other Names: Angolagroenslang
Classification: HARMLESS

A bright emerald green snake that often has dark markings on the first third of the body and some light speckling between the scales. It is a stocky snake that averages 60-90 cm but may exceed 1.2 m in length.
Like the other green snakes, it is active during the day, a skillful climber and often associated with reed beds and vegetation along rivers and vleis. It swims well and feeds on frogs, nestling birds and lizards, especially chameleons. It is fond of basking and will inflate its neck, exposing the black skin between the scales, if disturbed.
Often confused for a Green Mamba but the Angola Green Snake is harmless and smaller.