This is one of Africa’s largest cobras and may exceed 2.7 m in length. Adults are light to medium shiny brown becoming black near the tail. They may also be pitch black or black with light bands. There are now five species in this group throughout Africa.
Full Name: Forest Cobra (Naja melanuleuca / subfulva ….)
Classification: HIGHLY VENOMOUS

This is one of Africa’s largest cobras and may exceed 2.7 m in length. Adults are light to medium shiny brown becoming black near the tail. They may also be pitch black or black with light bands. There are now five species in this group throughout Africa.
The Forest Cobra is active both during the day and night and favours dense bush where it hunts for small mammals, birds, frogs and other snakes. It is extremely shy and quick to escape – bites are rare. When cornered it will lift its head well off the ground and spread a narrow hood.
Forest Cobra venom is potently neurotoxic and cytotoxic. Polyvalent antivenom is effective.