This snake is widespread in Africa but only just enters the region in northern Namibia. It is a large cobra that may reach 2 m in length and is active both during the day and at night. It may cover fair distances in search of food and is also at home in trees. When threatened this snake will spread a hood and spit its venom. Once threatened it will not hesitate to bite.
Full Name: Black-necked Spitting Cobra (Naja nigricollis)
Other Names: Swartnekspoegkobra
Classification: HIGHLY VENOMOUS

This snake is widespread in Africa but only just enters the region in northern Namibia. It is a large cobra that may reach 2 m in length and is active both during the day and at night. It may cover fair distances in search of food and is also at home in trees. When threatened this snake will spread a hood and spit its venom. Once threatened it will not hesitate to bite.
It is an opportunistic hunter and feeds on rodents, birds, frogs, lizards and other snakes, including the Puff Adder. The venom of this snake is potently cytotoxic causing pain, swelling, blistering and possibly tissue damage. Some neurotoxic symptoms have also been recorded. Polyvalent antivenom should be used in cases of severe envenomation.