An inoffensive nocturnal snake that inhabits rocky outcrops in moist savanna. It is a small snake that averages 30 cm with a maximum length of 43.3 cm.
Full Name: Variegated Wolf Snake (Lycophidion variegatum)
Other Names: Bont Wolfslang
Classification: HARMLESS

An inoffensive nocturnal snake that inhabits rocky outcrops in moist savanna. It is a small snake that averages 30 cm with a maximum length of 43.3 cm.
The Variegated Wolf Snake hides in crevices, under rocks, dead aloes and logs during the day and emerges at night to search for lizards, especially skinks and geckos.
It is very similar to the Common Wolf Snake but usually more boldly patterned. Although not often seen it is locally abundant. The Variegated Wolf Snake is not venomous and harmless to humans. It is a docile snake that rarely attempts to bite.