A harmless little snake that averages 15-25 cm with a maximum length of 30 cm. The Pygmy Wolf Snake inhabits lowland forests, grasslands and mesic savanna in northern Zululand northwards into southern Mozambique.
Full Name: Pygmy Wolf Snake (Lycophidion pygmaeum)
Other Names: Pigmeewolfslang
Classification: HARMLESS

A harmless little snake that averages 15-25 cm with a maximum length of 30 cm. The Pygmy Wolf Snake inhabits lowland forests, grasslands and mesic savanna in northern Zululand northwards into southern Mozambique.
It is usually uniform dark grey to blackish in colour with a broad light band around the snout. It is a secretive terrestrial snake that shelters under logs and grass tussocks. It is endemic to South Africa and extreme southern Mozambique. The Pygmy Wolf Snake feeds almost exclusively on burrowing skinks of the genus Scelotes. This snake is not venomous and poses no threat to humans.