The Olive Grass Snake is the largest grass snake in Africa, averaging 1-1,5 m but reaching 1,8 m in length. It is a slender, fast-moving snake that is quick to disappear when disturbed. It usually moves with the first third of the body raised off the ground in a similar manner to the Black Mamba or Boomslang.
Full Name: Olive Grass Snake Complex (Psammophis mossambicus/ sibilans complex)
Classification: MILDLY VENOMOUS

The Olive Grass Snake is the largest grass snake in Africa, averaging 1-1,5 m but reaching 1,8 m in length. It is a slender, fast-moving snake that is quick to disappear when disturbed. It usually moves with the first third of the body raised off the ground in a similar manner to the Black Mamba or Boomslang. It is often mistaken for a venomous snake and killed.
If grabbed by the tail, it is known to spin and break the tip of the tail off to escape. Many individuals have stubby tails.
The venom of the Olive Grass Snake is mild and may cause light swelling if the snake is allowed to chew.