Like the other sand snakes this snake is very quick and active during the day, usually disappearing into the closest shrub when disturbed. It may be locally abundant.
Full Name: Eastern Stripe-bellied Sand Snake (Psammophis orientalis)
Other Names: Oostelike gestreepte sandslang
Classification: MILDLY VENOMOUS

Like the other sand snakes this snake is very quick and active during the day, usually disappearing into the closest shrub when disturbed. It may be locally abundant.
It occurs in central and northern Mozambique, just entering eastern Zimbabwe. It is found in lowland forest and moist savanna where it hunts for lizards, snakes, frogs and rodents. Small birds are also taken. Adults average 50-80 cm in length but may reach 1.4 m. Though back-fanged and venomous, the venom of this snake is mild and has virtually no effect on humans.