A small adder averaging 28 cm with a maximum length of just over 40 cm. It has a limited distribution in low-lying coastal Fynbos in the Western Cape where much of its habitat has been destroyed. The Southern Adder is listed as Vulnerable in the latest reptile Atlas.
Full Name: Southern Adder (Bitis armata)
Other Names: Suidelike Adder
Classification: VENOMOUS

A small adder averaging 28 cm with a maximum length of just over 40 cm. It has a limited distribution in low-lying coastal Fynbos in the Western Cape where much of its habitat has been destroyed. The Southern Adder is listed as Vulnerable in the latest reptile Atlas.
Little is known about its habits and lifestyle and individuals have been found sheltering under limestone rock slabs or basking in Fynbos.
It has small tufts of horns above each eye. Although human bites have not been recorded, its venom is probably like that of other small adders causing pain and local swelling. Females produce 2-11 young in late summer. This snake is often poached for the illegal pet trade.