There are at least four isolated populations of the Berg Adder, largely occurring at high altitudes except for the Western Cape and Eastern Cape where they may occur at sea level. This snake averages 30 – 40 cm, reaching 60 cm in length. It is fond of basking, especially on mountain paths and rocky ledges.
Full Name: Berg Adder (Bitis atropos)
Other Names: Bergadder
Classification: VENOMOUS

There are at least four isolated populations of the Berg Adder, largely occurring at high elevations, except for the Western Cape and Eastern Cape where they may occur at sea level. This snake averages 30 – 40 cm, reaching 60 cm in length. It is fond of basking, especially on mountain paths and rocky ledges.
The Berg Adder is a bad-tempered snake that hisses loudly and strikes easily. Its venom is mainly neurotoxic and attacks the facial and optic nerves. Breathing may be affected by the venom and most patients may need to be ventilated. There is no antivenom for the bite of this snake, but no fatalities have been recorded.